In the following lovely invocation Rabbi Milton Balkany compares the journey of politician Mel Martinez of Florida to the great biblical hero Joseph. Rabbi Balkany wishes for Mr. Martinez the success of Joseph, and to the United States the prosperity of Egypt.
Our father in heaven!
Your pillar of fire guided the Israelites through the desert to the Promised Land. Today our pillars through the wilderness of these modern times are the epic homilies of your scripture. As we gather here today in support of Mel Martinez, our beacon is the life story of Joseph, son of Jacob and his beloved wife Rachel. On a camel’s back, Joseph was taken far from his boyhood home to a strange new land. On the wings of “Operation Pedro Pan”, Mel Martinez was lifted from his home in sagua la grande [sa’gwa la gran’da] and set down within the heart of this blessed country. Far from home, Joseph began life anew in Egypt. With little more than a love of baseball and a small suitcase, Mel started his new life without a mother’s warm hug or a father’s firm hand to shield him. Never did Mel’s resolve flicker, because like Joseph, he was a dreamer and he dreamed American dreams. In the bible, mighty Pharaoh was moved to ask Joseph to mount the steps towards the throne and serve as viceroy. With hard work, perseverance and unswerving moral vision, Mel nurtured the spark of America’s promise until our president called upon him to enter the white house and share his good counsel. The parallel extends to our purpose today. Oh L-rd we beseech you. Be with Mel Martinez, his lovely wife Kitty, and his children and grandchildren like you were with Joseph. For when Joseph reigned, Egypt was granted seven years of abundance. With humility, we ask you to grant Mel Martinez victory in his senate race so that the great state of Florida and our nation may enjoy at least six years of blessing and prosperity. Amen.